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Um die europäischen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Interessen wirksam zu verfolgen, ist es dringend geboten, das Gewicht gemeinsam in die Waagschale zu werfen und den Weg weiterer Integration voranzuschreiten. Vielleicht mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten, aber mit Bestimmtheit und der klaren Zielsetzung, Frieden, Freiheit und soziale Gerechtigkeit als Gebote der Menschenwürde zu fördern.


Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth; © OECD. onomicoutlookanalysisandforecasts/lookingto 2060.htm#


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Due to the outbreak of SARS-CoV2


has been postponed to 2021.


In times of crises

European cooperation is

more important than ever!



We thank all those who

participated in our workshop




The elections to the European Parliament

in May 2019 were held in a political environment

of growing skepticism regarding the very

substance of the European Union.

Nationalist forces thrive on populist arguments

and misleading promises. Yet, the European

project has certainly proved to safeguard

peace, freedom and economic prosperity

in a unique way.


Time has come to engage in a

fundamental debate on the EU’s legitimacy and

perspectives in an upcoming new world order.





Only a few months before the Brexit date

the negotiations between the EU27 and

the United Kingdom had produced a

Draft Agreement. Ambiguous in many respects

it has had quickly drawn harsh criticism.


The option of having another referendum

on the issue had already been discussed

for months. A central argument was

that such a step would do harm to democracy.

However, there was substantial reason for

the opposing view that taking democratic values

seriously urges to hold another referendum.



The European Union has been facing crisis

for many years. Differences in history, economic

performance and culture have nurtured

nationalism and Euro-skepticism.

At the same time the EU has shown

considerable resistance against the headwinds

and progress has been made in many fields

for the benefit of the citizens.


In an effort of reflection and political

path-finding the European Commission

presented in March 2017 a White Paper

on the future of Europe delineating

five possible alternative scenarios

which might evolve.




United Kingdom voted for "LEAVE".

It is an unfortunate decision for the U.K. as well as

for the European Union.

The British are, however, as European as can be,

and we are confident that this

vote means only a detour on the path to a common

European future!




Europe - It's something to believe in

Europe - It's something to rely on




"Building a citizens' Europe"

Video von der Webseite der Europäischen Kommission


 "Winston Churchill: Forderung nach Vereinigten Staaten von Europa "
19. Dezember 1946 - Zürich

Video von der Webseite 


 "Schuman Erklärung "
9. Mai 1950 - Paris

Video von der Webseite 


 "Konrad Adenauer spricht
am 2. Juli 1966 in Metz"

Video von der Webseite